In two roads in our town, Badó and Bonavista streets, there are a couple of amusing and artful wall paintings. Taking advantage of the fact that both streets go downhill, one shows a mother losing control of her baby’s pram. In the other one we appear to have the same two characters, but this time it’s the adult son that’s losing control of his elderly mother’s wheelchair. If you happen to pass by, you’ll see them. In this photo montage we have mixed and joined together the two murals.
It looks like the son is “playfully getting his revenge”. But maybe not. In most instances, in real life, things like this occur not as revenge but through unconscious imitation. They happen because we tend to reproduce what we learned and experienced as children. Children reared in a good atmosphere with a balanced upbringing will normally, as adults, bring up their own children and treat their parents in the same way. But if a child is neglected and inadequately brought up, later on in life, when faced with dangerous slopes, they may not know how to apply the brakes. We aim to bring children up with grace and skill.