The Team of Carers

I’m Mariona, I’m Catalan and my favorite hobbies are scrapbooking, crocheting and photography.

I’m Carme, I’m from Asturias and my favorite hobbies are culinary experimentation/tasting, and economic, political and social news.

I’m Alex, I’m Catalan and my favorite hobbies are music and biblical research.
Deduction for donations
Increase in the deduction for donations from January 1, 2024:
In the BOE of December 20, Royal Decree Law 6/2023, of December 19 (RDL 6/2023), was approved, which with effect from January 1, 2024, modifies Law 49/2002, of December 23, on the tax regime of non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage, with the main objective of improving tax incentives for patronage, whether it is carried out by individuals, legal entities or non-residents.
Account holder: Residencia Infantil Emmanuel
Account number: ES51 2100 0831 1102 0130 6193
IRPF deductions in Spain
This does not apply to the Basque Country and Navarre. Please consult your advisor.
First 250€ - 80% deduction
The 80% deduction percentage of the personal income tax rate will be applied to the first 250 euros of donations, gifts or set of contributions with the right to deduction (previously 150 euros).
More than €250 40% deduction
For deductions exceeding €250, a deduction rate of 40% (previously 35%) will be applied
- Annual donation of €1000, refund at the time of the declaration of €500
- Annual donation of €5000, refund at the time of the declaration of €2100
Other applicable deductions
If in the two immediately preceding tax periods donations, gifts or contributions have been made in favor of the same entity, with the amount of the donation, gift or contribution in this year and in the previous tax period being equal to or greater, in each of them, than that of the immediately preceding year, the deduction percentage applicable to the deduction base in favor of this same entity that exceeds 250 euros will be 45% (previously 40%).
Corporate tax for Spain
This does not apply to the Basque Country and Navarre. Please consult your advisor.
Deduction 40%
The percentage of deduction from the full tax rate based on deductions for donations, gifts and contributions with the right to deduction is increased from 35% to 40%.
Reach 50% deduction
This percentage may be 50% (previously 40%) if in the two immediately preceding tax periods donations, gifts or contributions with the right to deduction have been made in favor of the same entity, the amount of the donation in this tax period and that of the previous tax period being equal to or greater than, in each of them, that of the immediately preceding tax period.
Other notes
The basis for this deduction may not exceed 15% of the taxable base for the tax period (previously 10%). Amounts exceeding this limit may be applied in tax periods ending in the next ten years.