Merry Christmas !
"Thank you because you came, born as a baby, to take my place". God decided to become a human being to die in our place. There is no greater love than that.
If there's anyone who can really teach us to put ourselves in the place of those who need us, it's Jesus. He already did that for us.
Merry Christmas !
Bon Nadal !
Prayer topics
(1) *** That over this Christmas period we will
increasingly value and admire Jesus Christ, Creator and Lord, because He came to live and identify with us. That we will be able to praise Him for wanting to take our place on the cross, to offer us salvation.
(2) *** For a full recovery to Emmanuel Children's Home's financial support, to allow us
to continue providing this service.
Chair of the Emmanuel Children’s Home Association
(Asociación Residencia Infantil Emmanuel)
December 2017
“A critical situation”
On this occasion I am writing particularly to churches, and more specifically to their leaders, pastors, elders, deacons, those in charge of different ministries, and so on; my only purpose is to try to make you aware of the critical situation which confronts us, for which there is no solution, unless there is an immediate increase in the donations which our Home, the “Resi”, receives.
We are sure that just a small additional effort, if made by many, would be sufficient to allow us to continue the work which the Emmanuel Children’s Home has been carrying out since 1969. Just a small monthly commitment from a reasonable number of churches would be enough for the survival of our home, to allow us to continue this educational and welfare ministry.
We have an immediate need to ensure regular monthly income from bank transfers or direct debits to cover all the fixed costs of our Emmanuel Home, which currently houses ten children.
I feel justified in writing specifically to our churches because in reality the Emmanuel Children’s Home has always depended on, and belonged to, all Spanish Evangelical churches.
We trust that once again our gracious Heavenly Father, who always leads the way, will answer our prayers and show us His great power and Holy will.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).
“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share" (1 Timothy 6:18).
Letter in PDF
Residència Infantil Emmanuel
- c./ Josep Anselm Clavé, 18
- 08960 Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona)
- Tel. 933 722 054
- info@resi-rie.org - www.resi-rie.org
- Banking Institution: CaixaBank / "La Caixa" - Account number:
ES61 2100 9250 6922 0011 8569
Prayer news
Our photo of the month is a brief message to convey information and our thanks to you and all those who support and share in the work of our children's home.
RIE's web
A big thank you to the voluntary translators!
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