APRIL 2018
We want to carry on
We have a care team and children that need looking after. We have a house and much work to do. There are families in need of our help. We have a Board of Governors and a team of volunteers providing support. We have back-up from donors, supporters and intercessors. We have a great present that we want to continue into the future. Or, as the new slogan which a group of volunteers has started to promote, puts it: “We want to carry on... smiling”.
Prayer topics
(1) *** For material resources. That monthly donations will continue to increase so that our finances remain on a more stable footing.
(2) *** For human resources. That God will continue to bring us the people that He can use to provide the different services we offer the children, to enable both their education and their emotional and spiritual growth.
Residència Infantil Emmanuel
- c./ Josep Anselm Clavé, 18
- 08960 Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona)
- Tel. 933 722 054
- info@resi-rie.org - www.resi-rie.org
- Banking Institution: CaixaBank / "La Caixa" - Account number:
ES61 2100 9250 6922 0011 8569
Prayer news
RIE's web
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