BIZUM 11554
Bizum Code NGO: 11554
CIF: R0802447C
Email for donation certificate:
Every contribution counts. You can make a one-time donation now, or if you prefer, set up a recurring donation. If you choose the latter,
download this authorization, fill in your details, and send it to presidencia(at) For special donations, contact us directly.
If you prefer to make your contribution via bank transfer, here are the necessary details:
IBAN: ES51 2100 0831 1102 0130 6193
Account owner: Residencia Infantil Emmanuel
The amounts for tax deductions in Spain
vary depending on the total amount donated, the number of years you've supported us, and your location. An 80% deduction applies to the first €250. Beyond this amount, a 40% deduction applies to the extra donated money. From the third year of collaboration onward, the deduction will be 45% (50% for corporate tax). In any case, the maximum deductible limit is set at 10% of the taxable base for personal income tax (15% for corporate tax). This does not apply to the Basque Country and Navarra.
Consult your advisor.
More information in
Real Decreto-ley 6/2023 y
Ley 49/2002.