The moment of truth has arrived! Over the last few years, we have been looking at various options as an essential replacement building for our Home, the “Resi”. Our time is up! WE RELOCATE OR WE DISAPPEAR. The crunch has come. And we have taken a first step: a down-payment for the purchase of a plot of land. It’s in Sant Just and is an ideal spot for building our new Emmanuel Children’s Home (RIE). The cost is significant and will necessitate the help, encouragement, and effort of one and all. We really don’t want the RIE to disappear.

We have a plot of land, a project, and architectural plans to meet regulations for our Home’s continued existence and its improvement. This is the moment of truth! We need everybody to take a part in this and encourage others to do likewise. The plot is costing us € 480,000. We have reserved purchase rights with a down-payment of € 160,000. We need all your help, as private individuals, organisations, churches, and businesses, to follow through with the remaining € 320.000 in the coming months. We have had over 50 years’ experience of seeing that it is “more blessed to give than to receive”. Now is the moment of truth and our hope is that this will continue to be our experience. Thank you so much.