We begin October with our new photo for the 2024-2025 school year. It is a collage of us gazing out at you. The look in everybody’s eyes says so much, all the time. Sometimes a person’s gaze reveals what’s going on INSIDE them: tranquillity, anxiety, joy, boredom, sadness… And children communicate many messages through the ways they look at us. It’s a powerful non-verbal language. But we are also keen to see their eyes focused OUTWARD. We hope that, in us, they are able to observe kindness, understanding, patience, playfulness, lessons to be learned, tasty meals… And what about you? Thank you for seeing us in a favourable light.

If we turn our gaze to the funding for the new Home we have planned, the news is that, to cover the full purchase cost of the plot of land, less that 100,000 euros remains to be collected. The plot segregation has now been formalised. Once we have all the money, the payment date will be fixed. A big thank you to all the wonderful friends who have helped us so far in this endeavour.