Friendly hands
A big thank you to all those of you who, whilst not being part of our group of volunteers, provide assistance in special ways to our Home, the RIE. This help by friendly hands comes in many different ways, from nearby and from afar, and from friends of all ages and walks of life.
Some of you promote and advertise the RIE in your setting. Others of you invite us each year to your organisations or visit us to arrange activities for the children. Some are involved in collecting donations. Others are available for helping us in the event of an emergency. Still others take a personal interest in the children and their families.
Thank you for being part of our collective effort and showing your support in all these ways.

Photo: June 2008
With the guitar player Pere Blues

Photo: April 2008
With young people from Coria del Río

Photo: December 2006
With german church people in Barcelona

Photo: November 2006
With the futbol player Deco

Photo: March 2006
With Felip and Dèbora

Photo: June 2005
With Miquel Frattarola

Photo: May 2004
With Enric Torras and Regina Suma
Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona)
Tel. 933 722 054
A home for children where
they can feel like family
RIE's web
A big thank you to the voluntary translators!
Photo display authorized
by the legal guardians