Oldest and youngest
Here at our Home, the “Resi”, we take in any children aged three and over. In the photo you can see two very special ones: the oldest one of all and the youngest. For one of them the year 2023 is a beginning. The other one is now looking ahead to the end of her time. One represents the starting line, the other the finishing straight. And in between we have eight other children. Every age is different, but in all of them we need the same roof to shelter us from one year to the next. And everything has a beginning and an end, an “Alpha and Omega” – in Emmanuel Children’s Home too.
Prayer topics
(1) That each child, according to their age, has a good year in 2023.
(2) That the children’s families will be able to cope well in 2023.
(3) That the project for our new Home will move forward in 2023.
Residència Infantil Emmanuel
- c./ Josep Anselm Clavé, 18
- 08960 Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona)
- Tel. 933 722 054
- info@resi-rie.org - www.resi-rie.org
- Banking Institution: CaixaBank / "La Caixa" - Account number:
ES61 2100 9250 6922 0011 8569
Prayer news
RIE's web
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